PSALM 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

My Dearest George, 

Today is Saturday, exactly one week that you left us. I am very sad, heartbroken, and missing you so very much. The children are sleeping upstairs, and I am downstairs doing my usual morning prayers. I can see or imagine you in your corner responding to your emails and practicing your software as you did most mornings. Coffee is brewing and I am ready to take my first cup. I am sitting here wondering if you will know my name when you see me in heaven?  Or if you will even remember me when we meet again in heaven? 

I remember every detail of our love story as if it was yesterday. I remember the first day we met vividly. We married in 1987 and had our first child, Karen. I remember how you always said that Karen was your luck. The year she was born was the year you received your visa and traveled abroad. Even though traveling abroad was a dream that you had achieved, I recall all the conversations I had with your friends telling me how homesick you were being away from us. 

Your greatest gift to me is our three children-Karen, Klaudia, and Konrad. I have told you so many times how great a father you were to our three children. You invested everything you had in each of them. From becoming the Sunday school superintendent while our children attended Sunday school to becoming a basketball coach for Konrad’s basketball team. You did it all, George. You were so present in all of their lives. You attended all of Klaudia’s basketball games, even on the nights that you were so tired after a long day’s work and commute from New York. You were the one who instilled the importance of education in each of them. You have laid a strong foundation, and I will do my best to follow the blueprint you’ve left for us. I will be strong.

I feel you watching over us everywhere I go. I wish you were here with me again but that can never be. I hope you understand that I would give everything to hold your hand again. I would hold you tightly and never let you go. All the love I have for you in my heart will show forever. At this very moment that we are apart, you will always live inside of me deep within my heart. We want to tell you that you are so wonderful to think about but, so hard to live without. 

I thank you for your endless love. This love will see me through each day with our memories that will never fade. Rest in Perfect Peace my love and may the Almighty God be with you until we meet again. 

Yaaw) y3 hej)l3 mlin
