“Will your Anchor hold?”
 Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.

 Dear Daddy,

 Mommy woke up this Friday, exactly a week from the day you went to the hospital singing this song. She went over each word in the hymn with me. The night before, we cried ourselves to sleep, going over every detail about the day you went to the hospital and left us forever. I was telling Mommy that in the moments when I’m alone and feeling the saddest, I often feel you around me, sad and tearfully telling me how sorry you are. Mommy told me that I have to tell you that it is okay, Daddy. And it is. It is truly okay.

 We have gone over everything in our heads countless times, and I am finding solace in trusting that it is all God’s doing. The Bible says, “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.” I want so desperately to rely on my faith and not on my own understanding at this time. I want my anchor to remain firm during this difficult time, and I know that is what you would also want.

 Standing by your bedside in what we later learned would become your final hours of life, I knew in my heart that the father I know would do everything in his power to fight to stay with us. I was crying and pleading with you to fight harder and not leave us. But now, I find comfort knowing that you did fight for us in this life and now will continue to fight for us in heaven. I now have an angel in Heaven that I call Daddy.  

 It hurts so much to think of all the future moments that I will experience without you physically here to share in them. I want to think instead of all our good times together-and by the grace of God, we had many. Especially this past year due to covid, we spent a lot of wonderful, quality time together, and I will forever cherish these memories.

 You were everything to me, Daddy. You were my father but also a friend, my protector, and my greatest supporter. You were always the first person I think to call when something was wrong. I had peace in my heart because I knew Daddy was there and everything would be okay. I am so, so sad but I know you are still here with me.

I will miss our weekend hangouts, eating and watching 60 Minutes, listening to music, and dancing in the living room while I tried to keep up with your let’s just call them off-beat unique moves. I will miss all our passionate conversations where we both try to make our points without arguing.

During one of our last conversations, you suddenly brought up Grandma. You spoke to me about her strength and how you wish for my life is to be strong like her. Little did I know that you were preparing me for one of the hardest times of my life. Since your passing, there have been countless times when I want to stay in bed and just cry, but I remember our conversation and try my hardest to tap into Grandma’s strength.

 Instead of mourning your death, Daddy, I will always try to live my life in a way that will honor you and ensure that your legacy lives on.

 I miss you so much that it hurts, Daddy!!! But please Rest in Peace until we meet again.

 I love you always and forever!!!


