Dear Daddy,

On that Friday, as I sat with you on the floor of the house and put your socks and shoes on for you; I didn’t know that would be the last time I would see you. I never believed my father would die; I always thought you would live forever. I spoke to you like you were coming back like “I’ll see you in a little bit”. You always made me feel like you would always be here no matter what.

As strong as you and Mommy’s faith is… I will try my hardest not to question the doings of God, but I can’t deny that I feel extremely hurt and sad. The pain I feel is inexpressible.  I am going to miss you so much. I’m going to miss you screaming at the tv watching soccer on Saturday mornings. I’m going to miss you sending us endless videos on Whatsapp every day. Most of all I’m going to miss you and your dance moves. 

My Dad's love was unconditional, and this is something I will cherish from him and take with me forever. His kindness and generosity will be remembered by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. My father was a true one-of-a-kind man. He loved Mommy, he loved his kids, he loved us so much. He provided for us and made sure we had every chance in life to become who we are meant to be.

Me and my father had a special kind of relationship because in many ways we were the most similar to one another. We have the same eyes, the same face…. So, now when I look in the mirror, I will always see your face coming in through mine. Our behaviors could be so much the same so that you would always advocate for me in the house because you felt nobody understood me but you.  We are both passionate and fun-loving even if we may sometimes take things too far as a result. And even if you didn’t always understand me you always had my back and supported me… from getting me to drum lessons to putting me in every basketball camp as a child, as well as supporting my decisions in my adult life. You allowed me to live in my freedom.

I also get my deeply protective nature from you. Like you, I would do anything for our family that you and Mommy created and cultivated. I will look over both Karen and Konrad and I will look over Mommy and love her and stay close to her so when she sees my face she thinks of you.

In these past few years, we have spent the most quality time together, so for that, I am grateful. You have taught me so many things. The legacies you left behind and the unity you always bring amongst your family will never be forgotten, I promise to start from where you stopped Dad. I love you so much and I will always love you. You will always be remembered in my heart, my mind, and my spirit. I pray that you rest perfectly in peace.
Love you, Daddy.


