Good afternoon Brother George from all of us!, 

A story shared at our study:

One day a good man arrived at the pearly gates of heaven. As he waited in line to enter he saw a man in line cutting from front to back. Amazed at the reluctance of the man to enter heaven he asked him, “why do you move toward the end of the line?” The man did not answer the question, he just replied “enjoy this moment” as he moved to the next man in line. That man, Billy Graham. To put others before self is the way of a good man.

George “Special K” Korley. By definition a good man.

“My favorite memory of George” Kevin Davis PK

My favorite memory of George from our men's group is. . . bagels and questions! He had the best questions, and he enjoyed when I called some the "up there" questions where heaven would be the only true place to find out, and now he's getting to ask for himself! 

“My favorite memory of George” Sal Leone

George always inspired me to look at other views during our studies. I always found his interpretations on the mark.

“My favorite memory of George” Porter Adcock

As I think back of our years of studying God’s Word together there were so many ‘small’ things I loved about George. First, George would arrive, usually late, “because it’s a cultural tradition” he would tell us as he greeted us with a BIG George smile and a handshake. Then it was time to get down to business. Oh how we looked forward to those studies. George was such an inspiration in challenging us to move forward on our discipleship journey. We would, ahhh, ‘debate’ theology and take a lot of side trips in our studies. But when we left it was always with joy and laughter and looking forward to being together again. When he couldn’t make the meetings they were never quite the same. I could ramble on for pages with things that happened in those studies. But the bottom line is this. You couldn’t help but to love George. We all did. And you knew that George loved and cared about each of us and our families. Even more importantly I knew that George loved our Lord Jesus, he loved his wife and children and he loved life. I don’t pretend to know God’s plans but I do know that one day I’ll be with George again and we’ll have eternity to laugh and share the joys of eternal life that won’t shock us with sudden departures. But I will miss him until then. Well George, I’m sure you have one of those beautiful rooms that Jesus prepared especially for you and I wonder how many bridges He will have you build? And I wonder if you can ever be late to anything in heaven? George, don’t forget the bagels. Thank you George and thank you Jesus for sharing your life with me. My prayer is that Joyce and your family can find peace and carry on your legacy of love here on earth until we’re all reunited. Porter (Adcock) 

“My favorite memory of George” Titus Akumiah

When he transitioned to reading Bible passages from an ipad/tablet that also made it easier to quickly find references. I was in awe with his ingenuity and his contribution to the group.

“My favorite memory of George” Taeshin Kim

My favorite memory about George Korley from our men's group is . . .". 

My favorite memory about George Korley from our Simpson men’s group is related with the bagel, he brought bagels for us almost every morning we met, He was the one who taking responsibility of serving others with joy. I definitely will miss him, and hope and pray to God to meet church members like him in my future church.

“My favorite memory of George” Hongkyu Kim

My favorite memories about George Korley from our men's group are when we played golf together in the county courses and when we raised our voices together in the choir.

When I retired from my day job, George was just embarking on his new civil engineering business venture. Since his new business endeavor may stress him out, I suggested whether he wanted to play golf together and get breaks from stressful work, and hopefully get a new business tool. I was delighted when his answers were yes, yes, and yes.

We often walked a quiet Tamarac golf course while pushing our golf carts together. While walking and looking for our golf balls, we talked about our church, our children, our jobs, and his new business endeavors.

When it was his time to hit his ball, I often noticed that after surveying the target area, he looked at the ball with his club ‘very long time' before he swings and hits. It seemed his engineering traits came out and played: judiciously measuring the distance with his precision engineer’s eyeballing tools, estimating his club’s swing profile for a right impact angle and force, etc. Since these types of engineering calculations were not trivial, I think he gave sufficient time to get the right swing force. But for a chemical engineer, it seemed he was seriously ‘praying’ for good hits. When I told him we all need to pray ‘long’ every day at home, but we should pray ‘short’ when we play golf, we got really big laughing together.

I really enjoyed playing golf with him and praising God together in the choir even neither of us knows how to read music, and sharing our life stories together. I would miss him dearly.

“My favorite memory of George” Jim Baron

One of my favorite memories with George, we had a men's group fishing outing this was the first time George had ever gone fishing. He wore white shorts white sneakers a white shirt with green stripes almost as if he was going golfing. Obviously he didn't know fishing is a dirty sport. He actually caught a fish it was about four inches long obviously not a keeper. He was so elated. The Joy was unbelievable it warmed my heart to see him that happy! He was so excited he was showing everybody. He wanted to keep it so bad unfortunately he had to let it go. It brought him so much joy.

“My favorite memory of George” Larry Springer

In our lives we have memories, stories, dreams, and experiences with those people we care about. George Korley is a brother in Christ. I will always remember him. We experienced the study of God’s Word together for many years. Our journey together started on Friday mornings at 5:45 am each week. Yes 5:45 am, not a quarter to six. It is never too early to spend time with God. My favorite memory about George, the experience. Not a visit with him but a rich experience. Thank you Lord for sharing George Korley and family with me for a time and then some.

Closing Remarks

A wonderful man once said, “I have a dream . . .”. That man, Martin Luther King. Many things unfinished in his life but enough complete that we look to him as a mentor today. A real man of God. I can imagine George and Martin together in the presence of God. Their life here on God’s earth has moved on to Heaven, but their work is not done yet as we have their memory with us each day. And that makes us better disciples for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


